
Lumber Rules


The Conway-Cleveland lumber scaling rules are used to measure the board feet content of sawn lumber. They are the product of many years of experience. Through constant improvement, they have come to be preferred by nearly all lumber inspectors everywhere. 

With flexible shafts still hand-crafted from the finest split hickory money can buy, these rules have a special quality due in large part to the meticulous care we take in the selection of our raw materials. 

Our patented heads are one-piece, light-weight hardened stainless steel with pre-bent sharpened points for grabbing and flipping the lumber. They will never rust and the points stay sharp a very long time. The figures are large, crisp, bold and black for ease of reading. 

Each ruler has a six inch walnut handle, sized for comfort and rounded to fit the palm of your hand. Finally, each rule is protected by two coats of polyurethane, giving lasting abrasion resistance and protection. Three scale configurations offered: 4-line: 9',11',13',15' one side 12',10',14',16' other side. A second 4-line configuration: 4',5',6',7' one side 8',9',10',12' other side. The 3-line configuration: 8',10',18' one side 12',14',16' other side. Two head types: Go-No-Go notched or straight.

- - Lumber Rulers - -

100 Series Lumber Rules
from $78.00

Three line configuration 8'10'18' on one side 12'14'16' on the other.  Traditional layout on the rule, used typically by a right handed grader.

200 Series Lumber Rules
from $78.00

Four line configuration with 9'11'13'15' on one side and 12'10'14'16' on the other.  Used to determine surface measurements/board footage in sawn lumber. Traditional layout typically used by a right handed grader.

300 Series Lumber Rules
from $78.00

Three line configuration with 8'10'18' on one side 12'14'16 on the other side.  Used to determine surface measurements/board footage in sawn lumber. Modern layout allowing easy left or right handed use.

400 Series Lumber Rules
from $78.00

Four line configuration with 9'11'13'15' on one side 12'10'14'16 on the other side. Used to determine surface measurements/board footage in sawn lumber.  Modern layout allowing easy left or right handed use.

420 Series Lumber Rules
from $78.00

In addition to the standard scales we have developed a ruler specifically designed to measure short lumber or cuttings. Ideally suited for producers of and users of Walnut lumber. 4-line: 12',10',9',8' one side 7',6',5',4' other side. Can easily be used in the right or left hand.

Metric Configuration Lumber Rules

Measures board metric units (BMU) of 1000 square centimeters as defined by the National Hardwood Lumber Association. A 4-line ruler, it measures lengths of 3.0, 3.6, 4.2, and 4.8 meters on one side and 2.7, 3.3, 3.9, and 4.5 on the other. A centimeter scale is integrated along one edge and the head is stainless steel marked for metric thicknesses.


Replacement Heads

Tree Sticks
from $30.00

Used to determine board footage of standing timber, and felled logs.  Made from select Hard Maple harvested in Michigan’s forests. Available in Doyle, Scribner and International scales.  All Tree sticks are Form Class 78.

Try our new color: high-visibility orange! (Only in Doyle scale)

Cruiser Sticks
from $90.00

Used to measure height, diameter, and board feet content of standing trees. Made from Michigan Hard Maple with solid brass ends to protect against wear. Scales include: Biltmore tree diameter, Merritt Hypsometer tree height, Decimal C scale log rule, and inches.

Thickness Gauge
from $24.00

Stainless Steel or Colored Anodized Aluminum — Go-No-Go finger gauge used to determine lumber thickness.

Stainless Steel - Measures 3/8" thru 2"

Colored Anodized Aluminum - Slightly larger than the stainless steel original. Measures 5/8” thru 2 1/2”