
Log Rules

Log Rules

Log rules are used to determine the lumber content of felled logs. Fine hickory and walnut construction with stainless steel oval head. Sharp black figures protected by polyurethane. Figures: 8' thru 20' logs unless noted below.

- - Log Rulers - -

Log Rule
from $70.00

Log rules are used to determine the lumber content of felled logs. Fine hickory and walnut construction with stainless steel oval head. Sharp black figures protected by polyurethane. This product contains Doyle, Decimal C, International, Scribner, Doyle/Scribner, Ontario, 

Folding Log Rule
Log Diameter Rule - Centimeters Only

Measures log diameter for export. Includes centimeters only on both sides.

Coconino Scribner Decimal C
from $150.00

Coconino Scribner Decimal C with red defect numbers. Made from solid all white Hickory with Walnut handle and stainless steel oval head. Spud and T Heads available on request only.

Layouts for each of the 4 sides:

CNS - [16,18,20] - [Inches] - [10,12,14] - [Inches]

COS - [20,18,16] - [Inches] - [14,12,10] - [8]

C17 - [20,18,17] - [Inches] - [16,14,12] - [10]

CP2 - [16,14,12] - [18] - [10,8,6] - [20]